Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Journey Begins...

It was April 20th, 2010. I was at work, dealing with the normal duties required of me on the job: answering phones for clients who are mad at me because their car notes are late. I This day, I was totally preoccupied because I'm 5 days late on my period, and for some reason I decide to take a pregnancy test on my lunch break. Needless to say, I flipped when I read the positive results! I called out for the rest of the day(and even took the next 2 days off), then called my girls to try to figure all this out. Over the next few hours of this day, I told my boyfriend, my mom, and my brother the news. The boo was extremely calm and supportive--as usual. My mom is so excited about being a grandmother and my brother is shocked, but happy. I have all of these people around me who are supportive and can't wait to meet JR...yet, honestly I'm thinking selfishly of other things....
I'm only 24...I work a FT job with great benefits and excellent pay. Every paycheck I'm spending my money on the latest fashions at Forever21(or XXI, lol)....I hit up ALDO every other week for a new fierce pump, strappy sandal, or bodacious bag(I like 'em big). I love to hang out at the hottest bars in Charlotte, NC and eat at the best restaurants in town. I like to travel, had even planned a trip to NY for the first time in life...and then this happened. I mean, I'm certainly not living the life of the Rich and Famous, more like the Upper Middle Class and Popular. Nonetheless, I loved the fact that I have freedom to roam wherever I please and splurge on what I want. They say babies change things though... "You have to think of someone else before yourself"; "babies cost an estimated $10,000 in their first year---of life!"; "infants require so much attention"...blahblahblah. I knew all of this and even watch some live horror stories of my friends who do have kids and have to deal with jerks---aka trifling baby daddies. At this point,my head is swimming with all kinds of things will i keep up my cute appearance when I'm gaining weight at a consistent rate? How will my feet fit in my new strappy's I just bought? Will I even get to see my feet? The attention craver in me even wonders if I'll still be able to turn heads...hey, everyone has a baby Narcissus inside them:) Luckily, the bulk of my superficial worries have subsided. These concerns take me back to when I first found out about JR. and I was only 3.5 weeks....
But now, I'm 10 weeks and have a totally different outlook on life. My boyfriend and I are excited and I think we'll make great parents. My family is supportive. My sorority sisters are always down and I know will always be there for me. I still have that job that will support my new family, and so does the boo. I'm looking forward to a new life and can't wait to meet the baby in December 2010. I naturally worry about everything in life, so I still have some nagging thoughts about money, how to hold the chap, and if breastfeeding is really as bad as every new mother says. I'm hoping that this new experience is going to teach me a thing or two about myself...we'll see, huh?
I was advised to start this blog because writing is therapeutic. I'm happy to get back to doing what I love...this should be fun. So I'll be back with other random and stories as they come to me, even if no one listens, lol...

This is Flyy Preggo, OUT...


  1. I'm so excited for you Christian! You're going to make an excellent mom! Name the baby KanYe!

  2. I love it! Congrats and you know I'll ALWAYS be there for you...especially when we move to cola! LOL

  3. Awwww this is a great idea :-) I'm exited for you as well!!! I know you'll do great!


  4. How exciting this is!!!! Congrats and I know you will be a good and flyy mommie!!!! Take care and keep me posted about the baby shower!!! Congrats and love ya.

    -Thunder RHOad

  5. Thanks for the love, soRHOrs:)

  6. You must not have talked to me ma'am.. I breastfed the Mimster for 18 months! It's a breeze man. Please don't let those that had negative influences deter you. Just because they failed and couldn't do it doesn't mean you will my gosh.. That is all.. and CONGRATS on the blog :-)
